March 12, 2024


Attending Owners: The Chad, Mike, Clay, Jeff, Wayne, Mini, Garts, Fred, Rhonda, Susan & Carl

Non-Attending Owners: n/a


Commissioner stated that there were no re-tabled issues from the 2023 AOM and opened the floor for new business and also advised that he would also include all the things from the message board that were put on from the past season.


1 – As per the 2023 AOM, a decision was made to replace the annual trophy with a wrestling belt. Good ones are very expensive and the Commissioner advised that we could stick with a wrestling belt if we wanted to, but since the Darcman site currently tracks all past champions and suggested maybe we continue to use the site, pass on the wrestling belt, retire the annual trophy and use the money that had been put aside for it as a 1-year reduction in fees:

Stick with the belt: Chad, Wayne

Just use the site: Jeff, Fred, Garts, Mike, Rhonda

Non-Voters: Mini, Clay

Exclusively use the Darcman site, no more belt, no more trophy (for now) and have lowered fees next season passes


2 – The Commissioner advised that he has always allowed a small grace period for owners who wait until the last minute to make their lineup changes but ultimately get locked out by the site right at kickoff, and has made the appropriate changes for them. The Commissioner proposes that we use the site as the lock down guardian. If the site locks you out, too bad for you. No exceptions:

Yes, use the site: Wayne, Jeff, Garts, Fred, Rhonda, Mike, Chad

No, keep it the same:

Non-Voters: Mini, Clay

Site will determine lockout period passes


3 – Should there be any extra action or penalty for excessive or unwarranted trash talking? Currently the Commissioner just deals with anything like this on his own:


No, continue to let Commissioner handle it: Wayne, Jeff, Garts, Fred, Mike, Rhonda, Chad

Non-Voters: Mini, Clay

Commissioner will continue to deal with any over the top trash talking passes


4 – The subject of removing kickers was brought up again. A very lengthy and complicated conversation ensued with all the different option. Eventually the votes ended as follows: (LU = lineup, PL = protected list)

Remove Kickers from LU & PL and add a regular flex position: Chad

Remove Kickers from PL and add an 11th round to draft in order to draft a kicker (the Commissioner pointed out that this was a very labor intensive and really didn’t make any sense at all): Wayne, Fred

No changes at all to Kickers: Mike, Rhonda, Clay, Jeff, Mini, Garts

Non-Voters: n/a

Kickers will remain as part of the LU & PL as they always have


5 – Chad brought up the HPPR scoring option of .5/rec for a 1-year trial basis:

Yes: Chad, Garts, Jeff, Mike, Mini, Clay

No: Rhonda, Fred

Non-Voters: Wayne

Proposal passes for immediate implementation and will reassess at next AOM


6 – The Commissioner proposes the new scoring feature (on a 1-year trial basis) that has been implemented in a lot of leagues lately (PPFD, points per first down) and suggests that we implement it to pair nicely with the new HPPR that has been voted in and proposes that we award .5 or 1 for a player that gets a first down in order to increase the scores for backups a little:

Yes .5/FD: Garts, Jeff, Mini

Yes 1/FD:

No: Rhonda, Fred, Mike, Chad, Wayne, Clay

Non-Voters: n/a

Proposal does not pass


7 – A proposal is made to move annual drafts back to Saturday afternoons to make them more of a social event like the old days. The Commissioner advised that he didn’t feel that was going to work very well as that puts some pretty extreme limits on available dates considering last season the draft had to be moved 3 times and eventually ended up on a date that was not good for one owner to attend in person:

Yes: Rhonda, Jeff, Fred, Mini

No: Garts, Mike, Chad, Wayne

Abstain: Clay

Non-Voters: n/a

Proposal did not pass, but the Commissioner pointed out that 3 out of the last 6 years, the draft has been on a Friday night to try and make it a social event. He promised to try and ensure that Saturday afternoons are included in the date options going forward.


8 – Further to the kicker conversation, a proposal was made to add a regular flex position to our starting lineup. The regular flex can only be a RB, WR or TE.

Yes: Garts, Jeff, Fred, Chad, Mini

No: Rhonda, Mike

Non-Voters: Clay, Wayne

Passes for immediate implementation


9 – Now with a flex position included for the upcoming season a decision needed to be made regarding the protected list:

Down to 9:

Keep at 10: Wayne, Chad, Clay, Jeff, Garts

Increase to 11: Fred

Keeping at 10 passes


Unbeknownst to anyone other than the Commissioner, this was at this time that Mini confided in the Commissioner that he was going to step away from all his Fantasy Football teams including both of his DFFL & DFFL3 teams. The Commissioner conducted the remainder of the AOM without his votes and also added new owners Susan & Carl to the AOM so that they could familiarize themselves with how things were progressing. They did NOT have the ability to vote in this AOM. They were announced as owners in the Commissioner’s Report later in the AOM.


10 – A proposal was brought forward to award QBs .5/completed pass. The Commissioner explained that this is already a QB heavy scoring league and that most of the top 20 scoring players were already QBs and that this proposal would skew the scoring even more.


No: Wayne, Chad, Clay, Fred, Garts, Jeff

Non-voters: Rhonda, Mike

Proposal does not pass


11 – The Commissioner proposed that not only BOTH owners are to confirm ALL trades on the message board, but also proposed that a rule be instated that ensures that the Commissioner also confirms the trade on the message board when the trade is put into the bible. This will act as another layer of protection against some trades being missed going forward:

Yes: Wayne, Chad, Clay, Fred, Garts, Jeff


Non-voters: Rhonda, Mike

Proposal passes for immediate implementation


12 – Mike proposes that teams not only get a win for their head-to-head win, but also receive a win for scoring higher than the weekly average score.

Yes: Mike

No: Wayne, Chad, Fred, Garts, Jeff

Non-Voters: Clay, Rhonda

Proposal does not pass


13 – Chad proposed that the new scoring grid that was voted in last season get tweaked slightly. He proposed that the new scoring grid looked like:

1-40 yards = 3 points

41-49 yards = 4 points

50-55 yards = 5 points

56+ yards = 6 points


This was to help offset the -1 points awarded for any missed FGs from 1-49 yds as well as -1 for all PATs:

Yes: Chad, Jeff, Clay, Garts, Wayne

No: Fred, Mike

Non-Voter: Rhonda

Proposal passes for immediate implementation


13 – Chad decided to take another kick at the annual draft date and suggested that despite it still being 5-6 months away that we lock down a draft date now during the AOM. He put forward 2 dates, both on the long Labor Day weekend. The Commissioner also asked for any other dates to be brought forward as well:

Sat. Aug 31, 6pm (assuming he could have the CFFL draft moved to the afternoon from the night of the same day):  Chad, Jeff, Garts, Wayne, Clay

Mon. Sept 2, 2 or 3pm start: Fred, Mike

No other dates were suggested

Non-Voter: Rhonda

The Commissioner pointed out that he has always tried to ensure that the draft date is a date that EVERYONE can make it and asked what do we do about the 3 owners (technically 4 if you include the new ownership) that didn’t vote the same as the other 5 and recommended that the group finish discussing the draft date situation while he closes the AOM. This is something that needs to be a unanimous decision. To this point, not another word was spoken about this in that or any other email thread, so here it sits in limbo for now.


The Commissioner closed the floor for new business and presented his Commissioner’s Report:


1 – Finances:

The Commissioner advised that all prize money was paid out the morning after the completion of the Championship game.


Back in the 2022 AOM it was agreed that I could tweak the finances/payouts slightly as there was a small loss on the bottom line in the previous year. Because I was planning on buying a belt and was trying to nickel and dime some money for that somewhere, I never really did tweak the finances. Now that we will no longer be getting a belt, I will be looking at the finances after the website gets paid and before the start of the season and will advise at some point what the payouts this season will be.

As mentioned in the 2024 AOM, whatever money I had put aside for the belt will be given back as a rebate/reduction of league fees for the 2024 season only. If you have already paid for your ’24 fees, please know that the reduction will go to your account as a credit. I will advise when all is done.


I think I just attached the financial statement to the AOM recap last year, while I didn’t get the financial statement done in time for the AOM’s If anyone wants to see the financial statement after it is done, please feel free to let me know and I will provide it (or, I may just send it out to you all once it's done, regardless, but if I forget, please feel free to remind me lol).


Otherwise, everything is fine financially and there are no pressing financial issues at this time. However, as of March 22/24, I have been informed that the cost of the website is going up this season and beyond. That may have an impact on all future league fees. I plan on purchasing the leagues early this season so that I can get a discount for this year, but please be prepared for a fee increase next season (we will discuss at the AOM of course). I will be waiting until after I pay for the sites and will see how much that costs before I finalize any of the finances or financial statements.


2 – New Owner announcement!!!

Mini has decided to leave most of his fantasy football leagues and has left the DFFL. I did convey thanks to him regarding his past tenure with the DFFL, DFFL2 & DFFL3 and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


This year his replacement in the DFFL will be (familiar to most all of you I think): Two Time DFFL 2 Champion, Susan Husum (along with her Husband Carl who will serve as her co-owner for the team). I trust that she will be welcomed into the league as you would anyone else. She comes from the trade barren wasteland otherwise known as the DFFL2, so please feel free to send her lots of trade offers. I was going to make a joke here and say "But not the kind of offers that 'blank' makes lol", but honestly, I couldn't think of a single owner in this league who has skewed values of players in their head. So that is a HUGE compliment to all of you!


3 - Draft Order:

Here is the 2024 DFFL Draft Order as per a previous email that I had sent out.


1 - Wayne, 4-10, lost H2H w/Snipers by 24 points

2 - Darcman, 4-10, won H2H w/Warriors by 24 points

3 - Jeff, 5-9, lost H2H w/Ministry of Pain by 20 points

4 - Garts, 5-9, won H2H w/Steel Dogs by 20 points

5 - Chad, 6-8

6 – Susan/Carl, 8-6 (was Mini)

7 - Clay, 9-5

8 - Mike, 11-3

9 - Fred, 2023 runner up

10 - Rhonda, 2023 DFFL Champion


The draft board on the Darcman site is in the correct draft order as posted above. Also, the above draft order is on the MFL site.


4 - New 2024 Divisions:

In this league, divisions are realigned annually. The Champion (this year Rhonda) and runner up (this year your hero and all-around good guy Fred) did a school yard pick and the divisions ended up like this:



Rhonda, Wayne, Jeff, Chad, Susan



Fred, Darcman, Mike, Clay, Garts


The divisions have NOT been set up yet. I was planning on doing that with all the other changes that we voted in. I will make the necessary changes to the site, put the teams into their proper divisions and will reset the schedule probably next week if not this weekend.


5 – Miscellaneous:

The trading freeze was lifted at the conclusion of the NFL Super Bowl.


Just a reminder that there are no roster limits during the off season.


Thank you to everyone for diligently posting your lineups and submitting your picks for the Supplemental Drafts.


Thanks again for all your efforts!


2024 DFFL AOM Closed